All Classes and Interfaces

An AbstractList that calls onAddElement when a new element is added to the list.
File API with extended features.
Access file system APIs.
Thrown when it is impossible to construct Shell.
A remote root service using native Android Binder IPC.
A class providing APIs to an interactive Unix shell.
Builder class for Shell instances.
The callback used in Shell.getShell(GetShellCallback).
The initializer when a new Shell is constructed.
Represents a shell Job that could later be executed or submitted to background threads.
The result of a Shell.Job.
The callback to receive a result in Shell.Job.submit(Shell.ResultCallback).
A task that can be executed by a shell with the method Shell.execTask(Task).
Some handy utility methods that are used in libsu.
A File implementation using root shell.
Open InputStreams that read files with root access.
Open OutputStreams that read files with root access.
Access files using the main shell and mimics RandomAccessFile.